America is now a matriarchy. Period. This is the reality for most men out there and why the nuclear family is so rare these days. On a host of matters women are holding better cards than their male counterparts. This puts men in a poor position and women are using this leverage against them to create their feminized, touchy-feely world. It isn't so nice for tens of millions of men, however, as they are enslaved to their female masters. Of course more and more men are rejecting this game and dropping out from it all together:
Reproductive Rights - Women have them, men don't. Simple as that. If a woman wants an abortion and the man doesn't, tough luck for the man. The fetus is being flushed down the toilet. If a woman wants to have a child and the man doesn't, too bad. The man is going to have to pay child support and alimony for 20 years. All women have to do is forget the pill one day and boom - they have the man's wallet on their hook for 20 years. A wonderful tool women have that allows them to control men and get them to do their bidding.
Economic Equality - Women can now support themselves in the working world and no longer need a man's income to survive. This takes away one of the only cards men have traditional had - the bread winner. Now a woman has no reason to put up with anything from a man. Men must be perfect and walk on their toes to keep the modern liberated woman happy and content. The modern man's role is apparently to "entertain" his female betters. Hence the rise of metrosexuals and other pussified men. Men no longer have the masculine "father knows best" role, putting them further to the margins of the family.
Government as Daddy - The government now acts as father to a woman's children, especially in the lower classes. Daddy government provides single mothers with housing, food, clothing, day-care, and transport. This is a much better deal for a lower-class female than what her male counterparts could ever provide. The lower-class male has limited earning potential (many times because they now longer have access to better jobs held by women). These lower-class males are therefore unsuitable as providers and the lower-class female has zero reasons to want one in the home. The males in turn no longer have any incentives to try to remain in the home or excel in life so they turn their energies to other endeavors. We see this effect most clearly in the modern black ghetto. So-called "strong black women" rule the family while roleless black males roam the streets engaging in primitive warfare. This is the future that matriarchy has in store for all of us.
Family Court - This is where women go to collect on their domination of the modern male. Most divorces are due to the woman and usually for frivolous reasons such as "emotional fulfillment" and "boredom". Nonetheless, it is almost always women who gain control of the kids and house. Men are usually stuck with alimony payments for years on end. So men can lose their role as father and much of their assets and future earnings all on the word of the woman. A man is now considered nothing more than a chattel slave to serve the material needs of women and children. He no longer has any reciprocal rights from women and children for his energies and efforts, however.
Government as Protector - In the past the man was good to have around as protector of the hearth. Those days are long gone. The government now provides police, prisons, and courts to protect women's interest. Women can now also own guns. It is mostly men who end up in the sights of the government security state. Aimless male street violence is directly related to the breakdown of the traditional male role as leader of the family. Instead of dealing with this, the matriarchy just wants to imprison or cast aside males who will not adapt.
Cultural Expectations - This has to do with traditions and one of the main reasons men keep putting up with the current state of matriarchy. Despite economic equality, woman still expect the man to make more money than them and to provide material comforts. Of course, this is now more difficult for the man as they have to compete with women for good jobs. Woman also expect to have flexibility. They want to work when and for how long they want. If they have children, they likely will no longer want to work. For men, however, they must keep working and working to satisfy the never ending demands of the modern materialistic woman.
The Mass Media - Television, movies, magazines, and other media sources continually push matriarchial interest over those of men. Men are protrayed as shallow cluess idiots time and time again, only to be rescued by the noble efforts of superior womanfolk. If they aren't idiots, men are shown as violent thugs hunting down innocent women. Watch a typical television show and you'll quickly get the idea. On the other hand, men as the moral superiors of superficial women is not something you will see much. However, this is the reality of how things are today. It is men who want to restore morality to both public and private life, while women are more concerned with having fun and forcing their husband to buy them a new house and SUV.
Technological Changes - Changes in technology over the last few hundred years have neutered one of man's greatest assets, his sheer strength. The ability to plow a field or lift steel beams isn't as vital anymore. Technology has invented machines that do many of these physical chores. Increasingly work is about multi-tasking, information management, communicating, and social dexterity, tasks at which woman excel at.
Decline of Religion - Most major religions call on women to be submissive to men. This is good from a social point of view as it gives men a stake in society, which women naturally have due to their ability to produce children. Men are naturally more morally inclined while women are by their nature self-absorbed and shallow. Religion recognized this reality and attempted to seperate the two sexes so the assets of both could be harnessed. Men had a role given to them by God and their energies where directed towards bigger and better things. Women were limited to nurturing roles, as their narcissism was correctly identified as a danger to the very foundations of society. Before religion, before women were "oppressed", men ran free in the wild like animals, engaging in violence and sport with fellow men while women stayed home to nurse in the caves. Sounds a lot like the black ghetto, actually.
Stigmatization of Wife Beating - Wife beating is a big no-no these days. Unfortunately, physical abuse was the only way for men to counter woman's natural tendencies to engage in emotional abuse. Note that emotional abuse has not be outlawed. The reality is that woman need a good, carefully directed beating occasionally to keep their self-centered, manipulative characteristics in check. Without this, these characteristics increase with every generation. Today's American women are now totally useless as wifes and most American men will not marry them unless they are very foolish.