Liberalism - Enough said.
Multi-Culturalism - Simply bullshit. All cultures are good. Well, except traditional white culture that built the world. That was evil. Everyone is the same, only different. Diversity and tolerance are the key to world peace and unity. Blah-blah-blah. What's forgotten is actually having a culture except one based around consumerism and gooey fooey "progressive values". Hence why whites in both America and Europe are presently being overrun by more cultured, breeding races.
Gender-Equality - All genders are equal. Period. Well, except for females, who are clearly superior in all facets of life and can do anything they want regardless of what a man says. All males are inherently aggressive predators and potential rapists who need strict social controls. Well, except for homo and metro sexuals. Throughout history the hetrosexual male has repressed and enslaved the female, keeping civilization from advancing out of the darkness. Today Womyn is free from her bondage and out to repair all the destruction wrought on Mother Earth by male savagery.
A woman's body, a woman's choice. The man has no say if the child shall be born. However, if the woman makes the choice to have the child, the government will force the male, by force of arms if necessary, to pay child support because they are equal partners. It is up the woman though if the man may actually visit the children.
Political Correctness - You have total freedom of speech and thought as long as it confirms to strict guidelines of the liberal elite. Stray outside the lines and you will be alientated from the tribe. Just say something bad about whites, men, conservatives, or Christians a few times per day and you should be OK.
Liberal Media - Mainly made up of the grown children of the rich. Typical journalist had parents who made six or seven figure salaries doing things that could be dubiously be called "work". Said parents send worthless children off to elite private liberal colleges where they learn how the white culture is at fault for all of the world's problems. Children spend the summers during their college years traveling to different countries to broaden their experiences. Total cost for four years of this is around $200,000.
Eventually children graduate from college with their enlightened ideology and decide to go into journalism to bring down the machine. Use family connections to get their first job starting at $70,000.00 and they begin taking out their guilt and self-loathing on the privileged white American middle and working classes who have it too easy when compared to the downtrodden brown peoples of the world.
White Privilege - Bullshit idea made up by rich liberal whites. According to the fairy tale, you have whites who are universally wealthy and privileged exploiting impoverised and desperate minorities on a daily basis. Recent Duke rape scandal fits the mold. Except it doesn't now. No doubt we won't get the "evil black whore attempts to shakedown upstanding naive white student-athletes" storyline from the media, though.
Open Borders - According to liberal intelligenta, it is impossible to control the borders at this point and we all just should get use to unlimited immigration from here on out. If we have to all learn Spanish and deal with overcrowded streets, well, that's just life. See, only bigots would like to keep their culture and traditions. Well, except for blacks and mexicans. It's perfectly acceptable if they have racial pride, foster traditonal culture, and look after their collective interest as a group. Whites however need to learn about the sins of their ancestors, repent, and learn to unlearn their whiteness.
Fucking white liberals are so out of touch with their own culture, race, and traditions at this point the situation is beyond help. Wish the Indians would come back and scalp these ingrates.
President John McCain - Says no American would pick lettuce for $50 per hour. This scum bag should be made into lettuce fertilizer because his chances of becoming President have just been flushed down the toilet.