Friday, September 08, 2006

Schwarzenegger - An Honest Comment

California's Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is in trouble again for commiting the sin of honesty. In a closed-door meeting with his advisors, Schwarzenegger made this comment:

"I mean Cuban, Puerto-Rican, they are all very hot. They have the, you know, part of the black blood in them and part of the Latino blood in them that together makes it."

Well, apparently this is a big sin for him to have said this. It's "racism", afterall, the biggest and deadliest sin of modern liberalism. However, California's Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia has stepped forward in defense of Schwarzenegger and declared that she often calls herself a "hot-blooded Latina".

Gee, it makes you wonder if liberals have ever heard of these theories before. It's pretty well understood by the man on the street that Puerto Ricans and Cubans are more hot-blooded than say Canadians. The worst you can say about the Governor's comments are that they were impolite. But of course the liberals know this. Their desire to "punish" and stamp out all signs of "racism" stems from the fact they are really some of the most racist people on the planet.

See, what liberals care about is "apperance". Everyone should always say the right thing and never offend anyone. A single comment that offends say blacks, women, or homosexuals can lose a man his career, despite his other values. Words and appearance are now vastly more important than substance.

For liberals, it's all about appearing to be support justice, progress, tolerance, and opportunity while really hording power to yourself and doing little real work. See government workers, trial lawyers, or journalist for example. Any kind of emotionally honest racism, sexism, classism, tribalism, homophobia, public declarations in belief in God, ect interfere in this artifical world they've created for themselves.

Schwarzenegger's comments weren't even made in public. Liberal journalist always feel the need to hunt for these kind of off-the-cuff remarks to "punish" anyone who steps outside of the ideology. I've covered the distasteful motives of liberal journalist in a earlier piece so I won't go into them again. Nonetheless, what kind of world are they creating where people are going to feel the need to constantly edit their thinking to remove anything that might offend the ideology? It's a joyless world where spontaneity, honesty, and morality will wither on the vine of life due to lack of nourishment.;_ylt=AnbMr4X0aZP3r8L3qGPHfpHtPRYi;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl