Pulitzer Prizes given out yesterday to journalist for their "courage" in undermining America at every turn. How about we give these people the hangman instead?
Dana Priest of the Washington Post - Showed courage through "persistent" and "painstaking" research to undermine the security of all Americans by reporting on secret prisons in Eastern Europe.
James Risen and Eric Lichtblau of The New York Times - Showed courage through reporting on National Security Agency's secret domestic eavesdropping program, thus compromising America's efforts to breakup domestic terrorist cells.
Robin Givhan, The Washington Post - Her "witty, closely observed essays that transform fashion criticism into cultural criticism" are clearly a vital contribution to Western culture.
Mike Luckovich, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Drew cartoon spelling "Why" with the names of 2,000 American men and women killed in Iraq. Obviously a honorable way to honor the fallen.
Todd Heisler, Rocky Mountain News, Denver - His photographs provided "haunting, behind-the-scenes look" at the funerals of Colorado Marines who died in the Iraq war. I'm sure he really cares.