It's no secret that one of the top priorities for the rightwing movement has been privatization of public education through vouchers and tax credits. But the raw fact is that the public has consistently rejected their initiatives when they've come to a vote-- every time the voters have faced ballot initiatives on the issue, they have overwhelmingly rejected them by a cumulative 68% to 32% margin in the 12 ballot initiatives from 1970 to 2000.
While the privatizers have not given up on voucher efforts in specific states, nationally they have increasingly turned to subtler approaches to set the stage for later campaigns to dismantle the public schools. They attack the need for additional funding for schools, while concentrating on distracting tactics like the so-called "65% Solution" and incremental privatization such as "virtual schools" springing up across the country.
Two words: grow up. It's time for the adults, assuming there are enough left at this point, to take charge of public education and return to time tested, reality-based methods of physical and spiritual development, formation of character, and academic mastery. Every half-decade or so the scatterbrained liberal educational establishment concocts some new fangled formula that is going to cure what ails public education. They also claim if we only allocated more tax money toward their blessed teachers, all would be well. Apparently they expect us to believe that it is material poverty that is impacting teacher's ability to lead and develop our children.
Let's get serious for a moment. Public education is currently nothing more than a jobs center for unemployable, overeducated liberal mediocres. We could get the same results if we closed down the public schools and sent the motivated children to the public library to learn on their own. Better results, in fact. Public high schools are nothing more than dating clubs for unrestrained teenagers.
Traditional, conservative Catholic methods of education are the only worthwhile endeavor worthy of our time and resources at this point. Leftist groups blocking this course of action such as the National Education Association, American Civil Liberty Union, National Organization for Women, and National Association for the Advancement of Colored Persons, amongst others, are a disgrace to the people they claim to be helping. The rising levels of children born out of wedlock, divorce and broken marriages, prostitution, pornography usage, alcohol and drug abuse, welfare dependency, chronic gambling, street violence, mental insanity, homelessness, imprisonment, business bankruptcy, unemployment, school dropouts, and political corruption attest to our failure to develop healthy, devout men and women of Christian character and temperament.
Spinless white liberals make the claim that Catholic, single-sex educational methods are racist and exclusionary, lead to poor relations between the sexes and repress women, restrict children's "freedom of expression", don't prepare youths for the "real world", snobbish and produce over competitiveness rather than camaraderie amongst peers, stifle individuality, too focused on supplemental matters such as religious doctrine rather than academic learning, and too rigid and uninspiring. For those bubbleheads who agree with the modernist's interpretation of matters, let's compare the results of Opus Dei schooling philosophy with those of the liberal-led public schools: